Automatically Generate Documentation for your Project/Package

1 minute read


Once we built a project/package, we need to tell the users how to use it. Normally we could write a manual. But with the update of the code, the manual needs to be updated at the same time. How to synthesize the update of the manual? We need to use some automatic tools to automate the pipeline. This blog will tell you how to build your Documentation automatically.

Build documentation

The following contents are from this blog which seems clearer. I recommend to see the original blog directly for Chinese readers.

Using Sphinx to automatically generate documentation

The following steps are summarized from the official documentation of sphinx.

  1. Install Sphinx: pip install -U sphinx
  2. [In the package/project root directory] run mkdir docs to create a directory for the documentation generation.
  3. [In the docs directory], run sphinx-apidoc -o source ../<project_name> -f
  4. [In the docs directory], run sphinx-quickstart. Enter your information. I recommended you to select to seperate the source and build directory. After that, you will get two directories and two make files.
  5. Specify the source code path in doc/source/
      import os
      import sys
      sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../src'))
  6. Add extensions to doc/source/
      extensions = [
  7. [In the docs directory], run make html. If raising ERROR: Unknown directive type "automodule, See here to fix it.
  8. Write some contents. Look at this doc which added tutorial, experiment_summary and api to the index.rst, which will load the three .rst files. So we need to write something to the three files.

Publish the documentation

readthedocs is a platform to host your documentation. details can be fouond on its website.



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