Advanced usage of MLFlow

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MLflow is an open source platform to manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, deployment, and a central model registry.

The diffrence between MLFlow and other alternatives

How to use it in you code?

  • Use database based mlflow server.
    • In linux shell: mlflow server –backend-store-uri=sqlite:///mlrunsdb.db –default-artifact-root=file:mlruns –host –port 5000
    • In python script:
      • mlflow.set_tracking_uri(“http://nodelogin02:5000”)
      • mlflow.set_experiment(“lung_fun”)
  • Assign a unique ID for each run.
    • record_fpath = “results/record.log”
    • id = record_1st(record_fpath)
    • with mlflow.start_run(run_name=str(id), tags={“mlflow.note.content”: args.remark}):
  • Record cgpu information.
    • parser.add_argument(“–hostname”, type=str, default=’None’)
    • parser.add_argument(“–jobid”, type=str, default=’None’)
    • parser.add_argument(“–outfile”, type=str, default=’None’)
    • p1 = threading.Thread(target=record_cgpu_info, args=(args.outfile, ))
    • p1.start()
    • ……
    • p1.do_run = False # stop the thread
    • p1.join()
  • For ‘’:
    • mlflow.set_tracking_uri(“http://nodelogin02:5000”)
    • experiment = mlflow.set_experiment(“lung_fun”)
    • args.reload_run_id = retrive_run_id(experiment=experiment, reload_jobid=args.reload_jobid)
    • mlflow.start_run(run_id=args.reload_run_id) # find the trained run
    • mlflow.start_run(nested=True) # start a nested run
  • Record FLOPs
  • Nested mlflow for Cross-fold validation
  • Record git version by automatic git for each experiments
  • Record time_load_batch, time_update_batch
  • Record train/valid/test loss, metrics, for each epoch
  • Record experiment ID, cpu_count, data_shuffle_seed, epochs, eval_id, batch_size, fold, gpu_name, hostname, loss_name, net_name, mode, net_parameters, outfile, pretrained, remark, workers, input_size, etc.

FAQ: Fail to connect localhost:5000 A:

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